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Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I swear Im starting to think that most guys are the same.That all they do is care bout themselves.Im so sick of guys crap. I have been crapped on so much and im sick of it. Guys can be so selfish.They take advantage of woman who give their all to them, who do everything to make them happy but yet its never good enough.They always expect more. I really am tired of having a broken heart by losers. I always fall for guys for the wrong reasons.When im lonely n broken I feel like I need someone and Im finally realizing that I dont need anyone to make me happy.Sure I am very lonley right now n I wish I had someone in my life but Its not worth it right now. I still cant stop hurting over someone who dont deserve crap. He is a pos.He hurt me so bad n still does and it makes me so freakin angry.I wish I could just slap him n tell him how I feel so bad but I cant. We have a precious baby girl together n he lives a minute from us and he cant even come see his child. He acts like she doesnt even exist. He spends all his time stuck up his gf's butt n spending time with her son but he wont even spend time with his daughter n get to know her, to just love on her. She needs that love from her father too. I dont want her growing up without a dad in her life but it looks like its going to be that way. I dont want him hurting her n confusing her. She deserves better than that.I just wish they would move so I dont have to see them anymore.I cant stand them bein so close to me. Im just so angry right now. I wish that I could just find me a good decent man who loves me n my kids n who will work hard n be good to us. I hope that happens one day, i know for now I just need to work on myself. I gotta loose some weight n get healed completely n get myself straight. Just take time for myself for once n have some fun in my life cause that im not use to having. I have been gettin hit on by some people so that makes me feel good.I just have to watch myself.


Unknown said...

I love you and I am praying for your happiness!!!!...love mom