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Friday, October 30, 2009

This Guy...

You know how there is one person in your life that no matter what happens between you, you will always have that place in your heart for them and will always love them. Well that person is Jamie. I don't know if I could ever stop loving him no matter how hard I try. Yeah he is a major pain in my ass sometimes but I love him. Even though were not as close as we use to be n half the time hes a ass and ignores me,I still care alot about him and I couldn't see my life without him in it. I don't think I could live without him. We have had alot of hard times and have been through alot of heartache and pain. Been through alot of shit together but when were together its like none of that ever happened. We both have changed alot over the past few years. Yeah I still get mad at him bout stupid shit but I cant help it sometimes. I fell hard for him a few yrs ago.Everytime we do anything together its still like making love to him and its so hard to not say i love you sometimes cause I get so caught up in the moment. Its crazy..lol..sometimes i do wonder if we were meant to be together one day or maybe we are meant to be just friends.Idk.. I guess my mind is thinking bout to much right now n its all confusing to me. But i know that he is like one of my best friends that I will always love n will be able to tell anything to. I would trust him with my life. So yeah, I do still love you Jamie, always will..

Thursday, October 29, 2009

My Bestie

Ahh I have this best friend named Marie and I love that girl to death. I am so blessed to have her in my life. She is always there when I need her and is always helping me out when I need it. She helps watch my kids n takes good care of them. She spoils them rotten. The girls love going to her house cause they have alot of fun over there. She has 2 little girls that they can play with n her bf Mitch is goofy so he makes it fun too..lol..Shes always there to listen to me cry or bitch or just whatever my mood is, as i am for her. My life would really be boring if I didn't have her in it..She always makes me laugh n smile n feel better. So I just want to thank God for giving me such a great, wonderful friend.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

sick of blake n his bs

Well I think that I just dont know how to pick good guys. My ex is one of the biggiest peices of shit I have ever met I think. If he dropped off the face of this earth I think I would be happy. Most of me wishes I had never laid eyes on his sorry ass but then I am thankful that I got such a wonderful, precious baby from him. The worst relationship I have ever had was with him. He had the worst temper n was abusive and just always made me feel like crap n like I was never good enough. And even though were broke up he still tries what he can do to just hurt me. But you know what i am not lettin him hurt me anymore. He isnt worth it. Just pisses me off that he lives across the street with some bitch he cheated on me with and he wont even come see his baby. I mean WTF ya know. He helps take care of her baby but cant come see his own. He claims she isnt his when he knows she is cause she looks just like him. He calls me yesterday just to bitch at me about something I have nothing to do with, just so he can tell me that him n that bitch are having a freakin baby together haha.. Boy she is more stupid than I thought she was.. They have been dating like 6 months now I think n are already gonna have a baby together n are suppose to get married and all that shit. Such BS to me. He just now had a baby with me who is 3 months old now and already got that bitch pregnant..He needs to get that shit chopped off cause he dont need any more kids cause he dont take care of them. He is so sorry n cant even keep a job. I waisted a yr of my life with him just so he could turn around n give his all to that bitch..Which trust me Im glad I finally got rid of him, Just wish I didnt waist so much time on him. He tells me on the phone that when I get a DNA test done to prove he is the father of Makenzie that he wants to give up his rights to her cause he dont wanna pay me any child support cause he cant afford it. He says he isnt gonna pay for seth n this baby when he is gonna have another baby. Can u believe that bs. How sorry is that to wanna give up ur rights to ur own child just like that. But I guess it is so easy for him when he has no heart at all, specially when he dont even care bout his new daughter. It does really hurt me for her cause its not fair for her to not have her dad in her life but I do know she is better off cause all he will do is hurt her cause he already is. Even his family is shitty. None of them have anything to do with Makenzie, they dont even ask how she is doing. Im sick of them all n none of them derserve to even get to see her or get to know her. I never would have thought that they would all turn out that way towards this precious baby who had done nothing..I have been nice to everyone n gave them a chance n now they can forget it. They all have missed out on so much with her. She is one of the sweetest babies ever. Has the greastest personality. Always happy n smiling n talkin like crazy. Hardly ever cries n is just soo good. Shes just so beautiful n precious. But she dont need them she has so many people that love her n take care of her so screw u Blake n ur family. She deserves a better father than his sorry ass. Maybe one day i will find me a good guy to take care of me n my kids n treat us right. i am really tired of pickin losers.